Lots for Sale


Residential Lots

Streifel Subdivision Lots for Sale

Lot size: 25' x 120', $1,050.00 per lot

Minimum lot purchase is 3 lots

Lots need to be paid in full at time of sale.

Water and sewer are stubbed at front of property and located on every third lot. You are responsible for hookup. Must use a licensed water and sewer contractor in ND.

Your responsibility to put in your own standard approach. 24" culvert by 40' length with flares.

NO park models or campers allowed.




Commercial Lots

West Side Map
East Side Map




Commercial Lots on Main Street

City of Minnewaukan has two separate parcel of lots for sale:

West Parcel - located west of Post Office on Main St. Lot 14 & West 21' of Lot 15 blk. 44

East Parcel - located east of Post Office on Main St. Lot 18 & East 21' of Lot 17 blk. 44

Each parcel consists of:

46' x 140' buildable lots include water & sewer stubbed on property.
Contact REAL ESTATE 7 at 662-7171

West ParcelEast Parcel