City Government

City Council | Council Minutes | City Ordinances | Utility Fees | Annual Drinking Water Report | Welcome to Minnewaukan | Building Permits


City Office Hours: Monday & Wednesday, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM


City Dump Hours: Wednesday: 5:00 - 7:00 PM, Saturday: 9:00 AM - NOON

May-October weather permitting, Closed during Winter

Metal, appliances, leaves, trees & wood are only permitted.

NO plastic, tires, furniture, electronics, paint or mattresses.

A City dumpster will be available Spring & Fall for these items and will be located inside the dump.

**Dumpsters within the City are not for personal use. These are paid for by individuals for their use.
Be respectful and DON'T use them.The garbage guy will not dump the dumpsters if they contain metal or trees.